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Strategic Planning

Global Marketing Insights Inc.’s Strategic Planning Programs are completed in four days and include an Operational Plan for implementation before our experts leave your facility.

GMI, Geospatial Business Intelligence Experts™, is the leading sales and marketing support organization to the Geospatial industry providing all components within:

Organizational Strategic Planning
Through an extensive network of associates, clients and industry experts, GMI implements sales and marketing programs to specifically fulfill clients’ sales and marketing needs. GMI utilizes a specific methodology and system to develop a corporate Strategic Plan. This planning construct covers all aspects of textbook Strategic Planning with the addition of two important areas. The GMI Strategic Plan includes a complete Gap Analysis of the plan goals against the true capabilities of the organization in order to determine the organization’s ability to successfully embrace and implement the Strategic Plan. The GMI Methodology also finalizes the organization’s Strategic Plan with task assignments made of all the goals and objectives to individuals within the organization along with attaching measures of success for each goal and objective as well as start and end times for completion. The inclusion of these two areas insures the successful completion of the plan. The future success of the plan is based on the organizations acceptance, implementation, and execution of the plan. Strategic Planning can take months or it can take hours. No one knows your organization and its capabilities better than you and your executive management team. The key to Strategic Planning is making sure the organization team builds, accepts and executes the plan. With the Geospatial Business Intelligence ExpertsTM of GMI, you will create a Strategic Plan within four and one half days, which will lead you into a successful future.The following are the specific deliverables provided by GMI during four and one-half day sessions for the development of the Strategic Plan. 


  • Current State of Operations Review including concerns with the current organization in terms of structure, competition, and markets, including a complete SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats), etc.

  • Vision Development

  • PESTEL (Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental and Legal) Analysis- external analysis conducted during market research in the environmental scanning component of strategic management to give an overview of different factors for understanding market growth or decline, business position, potential and direction for operations

  • Stakeholder Analysis Review-understanding the needs, drives and concerns of the influences which can keep you in or take you out of business, i.e., Board of Directors, Venture Capitalists, etc.

  • Internal Mission Development

  • Goal Development Session based on the Mission

  • Objectives Developed based on the Goals

  • Competitive Review of the organization against its most dominant or well known competitor

  • Customer Analysis completed to look at the marketing components for the Price, Product, Placement, and Promotion Venues

  • Current Operational Review of internal structure, systems, skills, shared values, personnel capabilities, production capabilities, and financial capabilities, etc.

  • Gap Analysis Conducted of the Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives against the Current Operational Capabilities

  • Goals and Objectives are reprioritized based on the Gap Analysis

  • Operational Plan built to incorporate Goal and Objectives specifically with items necessary to insure successful completion such as:

    • Tasks specifically outlined

    • Individual Assignments and Resources Needed assigned by task

    • Start and End Dates assigned to each task

    • Preliminary Budgets Established

    • Success Measures Established

    • Organizational structure redefined


Global Marketing Insights, Inc. will provide the necessary project management support through its Geospatial Business Intelligence Experts TM to develop the above stated plan. 

The GMI project team consists of technology experts who have not only developed action plans for a global client base but also who have implemented these plans and know that the plans they build can be fully implemented. Our team has directed the development and implementation of federal and commercial Strategic Action Plans for:

  • Mapping images

  • Imagery products (both web based and traditional as well as aerial and satellite)

  • Database technologies, including specific software designs that leveraged platform technologies from AutoDesk, IBM,

  • Bentley Systems, ESRI, MapInfo and Intergraph software planning and design for commercial products using multiple technologies.

  • International ground station development

  • International technology development and improvement 

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